Results for 'John Duke Coleridge Coleridge'

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  1. Afferent fibers involved in defense reflexes from the respiratory tract.Hazel M. Coleridge & John Cg Coleridge - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai (eds.), Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 467-477.
  2. A Critical Evaluation Of Traditional African Family System And Contemporary Social Welfare.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Elizabeth Okon John - 2019 - Nduñòde 15 (1).
    Beyond reasonable doubt, the influence of Western culture and civilizations has enervated traditional African family systems, and their functions as providers of social welfare. Hitherto, traditional African family and clan by extension served as the plausible medium by which Africans proffered solutions to those social, economic and other existential problems found within their communities. However, measuring and evaluating the successes of the various social welfare programs organized by the family and clan was a difficult task to achieve. It seems the (...)
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    The Aristotelian Spoudaios as Ethical Exemplar in Finnis's Natural Law Theory.George Duke - 2013 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 58 (2):183-204.
    One provocative but frequently overlooked feature of John Finnis’s natural law theory is its appeal to the normative role of the Aristotelian spoudaios (the mature person of practical reasonableness). Finnis’s account of the basic requirements of practical reasonableness and defense of the methodological device of “focal meaning” both have recourse to Aristotle’s claim that, in ethics and politics, things should be judged in terms of how they appear to the mature practically reasonable person. The current paper examines the normative (...)
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  4. Finnis on the authority of law and the common good.George Duke - 2013 - Legal Theory 19 (1):44-62.
    This paper seeks to elucidate the role played by the common good in John Finnis's arguments for a generic and presumptive moral obligation to obey the law.1 Finnis's appeal to the common good constitutes a direct challenge to liberal and philosophical anarchist denials of a generic and presumptive obligation to obey the law.2 It is questionable, however, whether Finnis has presented the strongest possible case for his position. In the first section I outline Finnis's account of the relationship between (...)
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    [Review] Rosemary-Claire Collard, Animal Traffic. Duke University Press, 2020, xv + 181pp.John Simons - 2021 - Animal Studies Journal 10 (1).
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    The Planning Theory and Natural Law.George Duke - 2015 - Law and Philosophy 34 (2):173-200.
    The practical, normative dimension of planning is a plausible source of the ‘family resemblances’ noted by a number of legal theorists between Scott Shapiro’s Planning Theory and natural law jurisprudence. Foremost among these resemblances is Shapiro’s contention that the law, necessarily, has a moral aim. The moral aim thesis is at first glance surprising given Shapiro’s intention to defend exclusive legal positivism and unequivocal rejection of what he takes to be the core commitments of natural law theory. Shapiro’s claim, however, (...)
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    Mill on Bentham and Coleridge.John Stuart Mill - 1950 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood. Edited by F. R. Leavis.
    Even if [Bentham and Coleridge] had had no great influence they would still have been the classical examples they are of two great opposing types of mind. . . . And as we follow Mill's analysis, exposition and evaluation of this pair of opposites we are at the same time, we realize, forming a close acquaintance with a mind different from either. From the introduction.
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    The Ethics of Neighbor-Love in Kierkegaard and Duns Scotus.Charles Duke - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (1):99-118.
    While some recent scholarship has highlighted the remarkable similarities between the accounts of neighborly love in John Duns Scotus and Søren Kierkegaard, the important ways in which Kierkegaard’s account departs from the account of Scotus have not been thoroughly explored. For example, one crucial matter about which they disagree concerns whether the command to love one’s neighbor follows necessarily from the command to love God. This paper examines the ethical dimensions of neighborly love in the works of Søren Kierkegaard (...)
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    Romanticism and Coleridge's Idea of History.Michael John Kooy - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):717-735.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Romanticism and Coleridge’s Idea of HistoryMichael John Kooy*Romantic historiography is widely understood in methodological terms as a subjectively determined treatment of the human past, according to which historical knowledge is grounded in imaginative activity. That ambition was amply fulfilled in Scott’s historical novels, as Georg Lukacs once demonstrated. 1 Writing in broader terms, Hayden White characterized that whole creative enterprise as an “effort at palingenesis,” the striving (...)
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    The National Church in Coleridge's Church and State: A Response to Allen.John Morrow - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (4):640.
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    Coleridge and Newman. [REVIEW]John F. Hulsman - 2006 - Newman Studies Journal 3 (2):106-110.
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    Coleridge as Philosopher.John Henry Muirhead - 1930 - New York,: Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The six great humanistic essays of John Stuart Mill.John Stuart Mill - 1963 - New York,: Washington Square Press.
    Thoughts on poetry and its vbarieties.--Bentham.--Coleridge.--On liberty.--Utilitarianism.--Inaugural address at Saint Andrews.
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    The German Influence on Samuel Taylor Coleridge.Thomas De Quincey's Relation to German Literature and Philosophy.John Louis Haney & William A. Dunn - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (1):108-109.
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    The philosophy of John Stuart Mill: ethical, political, and religious.John Stuart Mill - 1961 - New York,: Modern Library.
    Bentham.--Coleridge.--M. de Tocqueville on democracy in America.--On liberty.--Utilitarianism.--From Considerations on representative government.--From An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy, volume 1.--From Three essays on religion.--John Stuart Mill, a select bibliography (p. [525]-530).
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    A Foreigner Carrying in the Crook of His Arm a Tiny Bomb by Amitava Kumar: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010. 218p. $74.95 cloth, $21.95 paper.John W. Dietrich - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (4):549-551.
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    Minds at Work: Coleridge and Newman.John Sullivan - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (2):25-44.
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    Richard II, John Holland and Three Medieval Quadrants.Silke Ackermann & John Cherry - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (1):3-23.
    This paper considers three horary quadrants of strikingly similar design and underlying mode of conception. Two are dated, 1398 and 1399, while the third, undated instrument can now be dated for the first time with some certainty to 1400. The parameters used in their construction are analysed, and the latitude for which they were made is elucidated. This shows that all three were made for use in London or southern England. One of the three, dated 1399, has previously been attributed (...)
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    Somewhere under the sea: Nicole Starosielski: The undersea network. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2015, xvii+292pp. $25.95 PB.Richard R. John - 2015 - Metascience 25 (1):131-134.
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    Coleridge, natural history, and the ‘Analogy of Being’.Anthony John Harding - 2000 - History of European Ideas 26 (3-4):143-158.
  21. Spiritual Philosophy, Founded on the Teaching of S.T. Coleridge, Ed. By J. Simon.Joseph Henry Green & John Simon - 1865
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  22. Spiritual Philosophy Founded on the Teaching of the Late Samuel Taylor Coleridge.Joseph Henry Green & John Simon - 1865 - Macmillan & Co.
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  23. (1 other version)English Language Philosophy 1750-1945.John Skorupski - 1993 - Oxford University Press.
    From the end of the Enlightenment to the middle of the twentieth century philosophy took fascinating and controversial paths whose relevance to contemporary post-modernist thought is becoming increasingly clear. This volume traces the English-language side of the period, while also taking into account those continental thinkers who deeply influenced twentieth-century English-language philosophy. The story begins with Reid, Coleridge, and Bentham - who set the agenda for much that followed - and continues with a portrait of the nineteenth century's greatest (...)
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  24.  17
    Divine Logos and Human Communication. A Recuperation of Coleridge.John Milbank - 1987 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 29 (1-3):56-74.
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    The semiosis of stone: A “rocky” rereading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge through Charles Sanders Peirce.W. John Coletta, Dometa Wiegand & Michael C. Haley - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (174):69-143.
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    Book Review:The Philosophy of Belief; or, Law in Christian Theology. The Duke of Argyll. [REVIEW]John I. Beare - 1897 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (2):238.
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    Coleridge's American Disciples: The Selected Correspondence of James Marsh.James Marsh & John J. Duffy - 1973 - Amherst,: Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. Edited by John J. Duffy.
  28. Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to Connectionism.John Sutton - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy and Memory Traces defends two theories of autobiographical memory. One is a bewildering historical view of memories as dynamic patterns in fleeting animal spirits, nervous fluids which rummaged through the pores of brain and body. The other is new connectionism, in which memories are 'stored' only superpositionally, and reconstructed rather than reproduced. Both models, argues John Sutton, depart from static archival metaphors by employing distributed representation, which brings interference and confusion between memory traces. Both raise urgent issues about (...)
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  29. Critics of the Bible, 1724–1873.John Drury (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    English critics were brilliant initiators and exploiters of biblical criticism. This momentous exercise, whereby the 'Holy Scriptures' became the object of human critique independent of church control, is illustrated by John Drury in the present volume with excerpts from such famous critics as Coleridge, Blake and Matthew Arnold, and lesser names such as Collins and Deist and Bishop Sherlock. Robert Lowth's famous lectures on the Psalms, which had an important influence on Blake and Christopher Smart, are well represented (...)
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  30. Coleridge as Philosopher. By George P. Adams. [REVIEW]John H. Muirhead - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 42:230.
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  31. The Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy: Studies in the History of Idealism in England and America.John H. Muirhead - 1931 - New York,: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1931, Muirhead’s study aims to challenge the view that Locke’s empiricism is the main philosophical thought to come out of England, suggesting that the Platonic tradition is much more prominent. These views are explored in detail in this text as well as touching on its development in the nineteenth century from Coleridge to Bradley and discussions on Transcendentalism in the United States. This title will be of interest to students of Philosophy.
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    Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn.John S. Major & Sarah A. Queen (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    A major resource expanding the study of early Chinese philosophy, religion, literature, and politics, this book features the first complete English-language translation of the_ Luxuriant Gems of the "Spring and Autumn"_,_ _one of the key texts of early Confucianism. The work is often ascribed to the Han scholar and court official Dong Zhongshu, but, as this study reveals, the text is in fact a compendium of writings by a variety of authors working within an interpretive tradition that spanned several generations, (...)
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    Strange contrarieties: Pascal in England during the Age of Reason.John Barker - 1975 - Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Each chapter heading bears a phrase from a contemporary author, held to incorporate the character of that section of the study under consideration. Chapter 1 carries the title given to early English translations of the Lettres provinciales; chapter 2 recalls the description of Pascall by Boyle and other English scientists; and chapter 3 draws from Kennett's preface to his version of the Pensees. The heading of chapter 4 is from Pope's Essay on Man. The exclamation which introduces chapter 5 concludes (...)
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    From Rhetoric to Corporate Populism: A Romantic Critique of the Academy in an Age of High Gossip.Jerome Christensen - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (2):438-465.
    If you are anything like me, you may feel yourself unsure of what, as a critic these days, you ought to be talking about—whether literature qua literature, literature as rhetoric, literature as politics or as history, whether about the persistence of romanticism or the waxing of postmodernism, the decline of Yale or the rise of Duke. If, like me, you are puzzled by what we now ought to be about, you may also be like Paul de Man, who bespoke (...)
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    The birth of American law: an Italian philosopher and the American Revolution.John D. Bessler - 2014 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
    The Birth of American Law: An Italian Philosopher and the American Revolution tells the forgotten, untold story of the origins of U.S. law. Before the Revolutionary War, a 26-year-old Italian thinker, Cesare Beccaria, published On Crimes and Punishments, a runaway bestseller that shaped the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and early American laws. America's Founding Fathers, including early U.S. Presidents, avidly read Beccaria's book--a product of the Italian Enlightenment that argued against tyranny and the death penalty. Beccaria's book shaped (...)
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  36. Aesthetics and Moral Philosophy in the Thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1808-1819.Michael John Kooy - 1996
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    (1 other version)Preface to philosophy and memory traces: Descartes to connectionism.John Sutton - 1998 - In [Book Chapter].
    Philosophy and Memory Traces, the book to which this is the preface, defends two theories of autobiographical memory. One is a bewildering historical view of memories as dynamic patterns in fleeting animal spirits, nervous fluids which rummaged through the pores of brain and body. The other is new connectionism, in which memories are ‘stored’ only superpositionally, and are reconstructed rather than reproduced. Both models depart from static archival metaphors by employing distributed representation, which brings interference and confusion between memory traces. (...)
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  38. Autobiography, and other writings.John Stuart Mill - 1969 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin. Edited by Jack Stillinger.
    Bibliography (p. xxiv-xxv)--Autobiography.--Thoughts on poetry and its varieties.--Bentham.--Coleridge.--Nature.--On liberty.
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    Rule and end in morals.John Henry Muirhead - 1932 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    THE PRINCIPLE OF IDEALIST ETHICS Coleridge's well-known saying that every man is born either an Aristotelian or a Platonist, though not true in the sense ...
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    When Historians and Anthropologists Talk.John P. DiMoia - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (2):124-134.
    Aiwha Ong and Nancy Chen’s anthology Asian Biotech (Duke, 2010) wonderfully and incisively captures the initial results of a period of intense investment throughout much of Northeast, South and Southeast Asia in the most recent two to three decades in the emerging biosciences, grouping its collection of papers according to broad thematic clusters. Documenting a series of diverse, changing practices with respect to the use of bodies and human tissues in clinical trials, the related establishment of blood and tissue (...)
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    English Language Philosophy 1750-1945.Stuart Brown & John Skorupski - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (181):540.
    From the end of the Enlightenment to the middle of the twentieth century philosophy took fascinating and controversial paths whose relevance to contemporary post-modernist thought is becoming increasingly clear. This volume traces the English-language side of the period, while also taking into account those continental thinkers who deeply influenced twentieth-century English-language philosophy. The story begins with Reid, Coleridge, and Bentham - who set the agenda for much that followed - and continues with a portrait of the nineteenth century's greatest (...)
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    PANAGIA, DAVIDE. Rancière's Sentiments. Duke University Press, 2018, xv + 145 pp., 6 b&w illus., $23.95 paper.CHANTER, TINA. Art, Politics and Rancière: Broken Perceptions. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, xv + 185 pp., 2 b&w illus., £85.00 cloth. [REVIEW]John M. Carvalho - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (3):327-333.
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    Life after theory.Michael Payne & John Schad (eds.) - 2003 - London ; New York: Continuum.
    Is there life after theory? If the death of the Author has now been followed by the death of the Theorist, what's left? Indeed, who's left? To explore such riddles Life. After.Theory brings together new interviews with four theorists who are left, each a major figure in their own right: Jacques Derrida, Frank Kermode, Toril Moi, and Christopher Norris. Framed and introduced by Michael Payne and John Schad, the interviews pursue a whole range of topics, both familiar and unfamiliar. (...)
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    Coleridge and Wordsworth: The Poetry of Growth.Stephen Prickett - 1980 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1980, this is a study of the 'romanticism' of Coleridge and Wordsworth. Their concern with creativity, and the conditions that helped or hindered their own artistic development, produced a new concept of mental growth - a 'modern' view of the mind as organic, active, and unifying. In particular, we see how their aesthetics evolved from a personal and intuitional need to reaffirm 'value' in their own lives. Their discovery of the fundamental ambiguity of such intuition is (...)
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  45. Smyth, John Vignaux. The Habit of Lying: Sacrificial Studies in Literature, Philosophy, and Fashion Theory. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. Pp. 245. [REVIEW]Laurence M. Porter - 2005 - Substance 34 (2):160-165.
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    Coleridge as Philosopher. By John H. Muirhead M.A., LL.D. (London: Allen & Unwin Ltd.; New York: The Macmillan Company. 1930. Pp. 287. Price 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]J. Shawcross - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (21):115-.
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  47. John Stuart Mill, Bentham e Coleridge. Due saggi (Napoli: Alfredo Guida Editore, 1999). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2002 - SWIF Recensioni Filosofiche 4 (4).
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    Coleridge's Intellectual Intuition, the Vision of God, and the Walled Garden of "Kubla Khan".Douglas Hedley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):115-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Coleridge’s Intellectual Intuition, the Vision of God, and the Walled Garden of “Kubla Khan”Douglas HedleyIn his seminal work of 1917 Das Heilige Rudolph Otto quotes a number of passages as instances of the “Numinose.” Alongside those quotations from more conventional mystics, Plotinus, and Augustine, Otto refers to Coleridge’s “savage place” in Kubla Khan. 1 It is also pertinent that, when trying to define Romanticism, C. S. Lewis (...)
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    Coleridge, Schiller, and Aesthetic Education (review).Gary Peters - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3):119-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Coleridge, Schiller, and Aesthetic EducationGary PetersColeridge, Schiller, and Aesthetic Education, by Michael John Kooy. New York: Palgrave, 2002, 241 pp.Who reads Friedrich Schiller today? With the Aesthetic Education of Man struggling to remain in print in the English-speaking world (at least in the UK, from where I am writing this) it would seem fewer and fewer readers are prepared to engage with (or be educated by) (...)
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    The Duke of Sussex‘s Irish Manuscript.Richard Sharpe - 2017 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 93 (1):121-130.
    Rylands Irish MS 22 is a copy of Geoffrey Keatings Trí Biorghaoithe an Bháis, made by the well-known scribe Risteard Tuibear in 1710, a professionally made vernacular book, making available for circulation a widely read devotional text. In the last two pages the scribe permitted an apprentice to copy, and as a result he had to write the ending a second time more correctly. Like several other books made by Tuibear, it belonged to Muiris Ó Gormáin in Dublin in the (...)
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